A Bird Going East

I will admit that in almost every case, I will overlook poetry in favor of prose. There are, however, a couple of poets I keep an eye on. One, who I refer to on the blog fairly regularly, is my good friend Ashley Capes. The other is James Hutchings, another Australian poet.

An Intro to Haiku

In this post, I’ll instruct you on how to write a haiku. Just kidding. My poetry sucks. My friend Ashley Capes, on the other hand, is a fantastic poet. I’ve mentioned my feelings on the connection between poetry and prose, and how I feel a working knowledge of one can improve the other. Ashley has just posted a fantastic intro to …

Text & Subtext

One of my bestest writing buddies, Ashley Capes (a beta reader for Chaos, and a fantastic writer & poet) has a post on his blog titled Suggestiveness and Clarity in Poetry.  I’m a big proponent of studying poetry, even if you’re strictly a prose writer (as I am). Even if you’re not going for poetic prose, poetry can teach you some fantastic wordsmithing …