An Intro to Haiku

In this post, I’ll instruct you on how to write a haiku. Just kidding. My poetry sucks. My friend Ashley Capes, on the other hand, is a fantastic poet. I’ve mentioned my feelings on the connection between poetry and prose, and how I feel a working knowledge of one can improve the other. Ashley has just posted a fantastic intro to …

Close Up Editing & Assessment

Ashley Capes, a good friend and writing buddy, has recently launched Close Up Editing & Assessment, a service for fiction and poetry writers. Whether you’re looking for overall manuscript assessment, line-editing, or proofreading, he and his wife Brooke Linford have numerous editing, writing, teaching, and publication credits between them that they can put to use helping you get your work …

Text & Subtext

One of my bestest writing buddies, Ashley Capes (a beta reader for Chaos, and a fantastic writer & poet) has a post on his blog titled Suggestiveness and Clarity in Poetry.  I’m a big proponent of studying poetry, even if you’re strictly a prose writer (as I am). Even if you’re not going for poetic prose, poetry can teach you some fantastic wordsmithing …